Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

441 - Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics

29211 - Health Science: Psychology and Communication

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
29211 - Health Science: Psychology and Communication
Faculty / School:
229 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y del Deporte
441 - Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics
Subject Type:
Basic Education

5.1. Methodological overview

The designed learning process for this matter is based on the following aspects:
Two different types os activities have been planned to achieve an adequate students training:
1. Classroom activities:
a) Theoretical lessons.
b) Theoretical and practical seminars (including discussion of clinical cases) and workshops.
c) Small groups practical activities.
c) Individual or small groups supervising sessions.
Activities detailed in points b) and c) will be developed in small groups to facilitate interactivity as well as to  increase the degree of participation in general. This aspect is specially relevant in both discussion of clinical cases and role-playing exercises.
2. Non-contact activities:
a) Preparation and discussion of cases by students.
b) Each four-months periods, students have to design and write down a work under the teachers' supervision. The main objectives to achieve with this work is: Firstly, to connect theoretical knowledge with practical abilities. Secondly, to expose students to actual controlled clinical situations where both
psychological and social skills can be handles and trained to improve professional learning.

5.2. Learning tasks

The designed program to achieve the planned results includes the following activities:
1. Theoretical and methodological bases of the contents. Quantification: 60 hours.
2. Problems and cases studies (role-playing interviews and clinical management problem solving; motivational role-playing  interviews, group seminars to solve both problems and cases). Quantification: 20 hours.
3. Clinical practices (case studies). Quantification: 10 hours.
4. Two 4-months terms works. Quantification: 60 hours (30 hours each work).

5.3. Syllabus

First academic semester:

Theoretical program:
1. Introduction to psychology and psychopathology and their relationship to nutrition. Biopsychosocial approach. Neurobiological, psychological and social factors.
2. Sensorial perception, thought and language. Nutritional management of patients with schizophrenia. Metabolic syndrome in schizophrenia.
3. Memory and learning. Cognitive functions. Nutritional management of patients with dementia. Nutritional management of disabled patients. Syndromes associated with obesity (Down, Prader-Villi, Laurence-Moon-Bielt, Alstrom).
4. Emotions and psychopathology. Depression and bipolar disease. Metabolic syndrome in bipolar patients. Anxiety and stress. Its influence on food behaviour.
5. Instincts and psychopathology. Motivation. Psychology of eating behaviour.
6. Eating disorders. Anorexia nervosa. Bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. Other eating disorders.
7. Obesity. Psychiatric and psychological aspects. Psychological evaluation of patients candidates for bariatric surgery.
8. Influence of psychoactive drugs on nutrition. Drugs that promote weight loss and weight increase. Foods which act on mood and other mental functions.
9. Consciousness, attention and sleep. Major disorders. Behaviour and psychopathology. Alcohol, tobacco, other substance abuse and nutrition consequences.
10. General structure of psyche: Temperament, character and personality. Personality disorders and their influence on eating behaviour.
11. Psychological reactions to illness. Communication and dietician-patient relationship.
12. Clinical interview. General principles. Noises and interferences in communication. Nonverbal communication. Motivational interview. Exploratory phase of the clinical interview. Operative phase of clinical interview: negotiation and information.
13. Psychological effects of treatments. Placebo effect. Stress and disease.
14. General psychological approach. Principles of psychotherapy.
Practical program:
1. Teaching-learning process: anxiety and other factors that influence performance.
2. Principles of research. Critical literature reviewing.
3. Relaxation techniques and emotional selfcontrol.
4. Basic instruments of cognitive screening and functional assessment instruments.
5. Basic scales for anxiety and depression.
6. Basic instruments for assessment of personality and intellectual ability.
7. Assessment instruments fo eating behaviour.
8. Prevention of metabolic syndrome in patients with severe mental disorder.
9. Role-playing exercises:
-Patient with restrictive anorexia nervosa.
-Patient with bulimia nervosa.
-patient with primary obesity.
-Patient with morbid obesity.
Second academic semester:

1. Introduction to Psychology: object of study, areas of applied psychology and relationship with the Nutrition and Dietetics.
2. Behavioural assessment and functional analysis of eating behavior.
3. Theories and learning processes.
4. Psychological variables involved in feeding behavior.
5. Developmental Psychology and its implications in feeding behavior.
6. Psychological strategies for promoting healthy habits.
7. behavior modification techniques in the field of health.
8. Theoretical models in the study of communication.
9. Social skill, assertiveness and social skills training in the context of promoting healthy eating habits.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Schedule lessons and presentation of works:
A detailed timeable of the lessons as well as the deadlines for submission of works will be available to students in Moodle-2 at the beginning of the academic course.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

Bibliographic references will be incorporated through the Centre's Library and will be available in ADD (Digital Resources of the University of Zaragoza).